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New Aminet uploads since last call

Files that were uploaded to Aminet since your last visit to this page: (you can check all recent uploads here)
madlertc.lha         comm/bbs   560K+Management software for BBS/RTC
MLocator.lha         comm/misc   30K+HAM grid locator <-> lati/long (v1.1)
facts.lha            comm/tcp    66K+V3.3 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
Miami32b-000.lha     comm/tcp   208K+Internet TCP/IP stack (68000/010 archive
Miami32b-020.lha     comm/tcp   207K+Internet TCP/IP stack (68020+ archive)
Miami32b-CA.lha      comm/tcp    53K+Internet TCP/IP stack (ClassAct archive)
Miami32b-cze.lha     comm/tcp   103K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Czech locale)
Miami32b-deu.lha     comm/tcp   103K+Internet TCP/IP stack (German locale)
Miami32b-GTL.lha     comm/tcp   105K+Internet TCP/IP stack (GTLayout archive)
Miami32b-hrv.lha     comm/tcp    92K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Croatian locale)
Miami32b-ita.lha     comm/tcp   102K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Italian locale)
Miami32b-MUI.lha     comm/tcp    82K+Internet TCP/IP stack (MUI archive)
Miami32b-ned.lha     comm/tcp   102K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Dutch locale)
Miami32b-por.lha     comm/tcp   105K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Portuguese locale
Miami32b-slo.lha     comm/tcp    98K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Slovenian locale)
Miami32b-srp.lha     comm/tcp    99K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Serbian locale)
Miami32b-suo.lha     comm/tcp    98K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Finnish locale)
Miami32b-sve.lha     comm/tcp    96K+Internet TCP/IP stack (Swedish locale)
Miami32b2-main.lha   comm/tcp   518K+Internet TCP/IP stack (main archive)
MiamiDx10c-MUI.lha   comm/tcp    90K+TCP/IP router stack (MUI archive)
MiamiDx10cmain.lha   comm/tcp   1.2M+TCP/IP router stack (main archive)
MiamiSSL221.lha      comm/tcp   1.0M+SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for Miami
MetalWEB401.lha      comm/www   963K+V4.0 Visual Html Editor!
MCC_SpeedBar.lha     dev/mui     61K+Highly configurable toolbar class
VF2000.lha           disk/misc   51K+32 Device update for HFmounter
IM_2000.lha          docs/hyper  29K+Iron Maiden 2000 guide V1.1
silencer.lha         game/demo  698K+First beta demo of forthcoming isometric
Shuffle2.lha         game/think 7.0M+Great new logical game (MYST theme)
SpaTra06.lha         misc/misc   92K+Spanish Translations Pack 06 v0.50
bO-012.lha           mods/techn 830K+#012 bOhema release by xball+spektra
bO-013.lha           mods/techn 779K+#013 bOhema release by effron
LoonyBPs-01.lha      pix/boot   583K+Four Bootpics for CyberGraphX - More to 
Borgs.jpg            pix/mark   613K+5 Borgs in a Borg cube
neerv_mwb.lha        pix/mwb    156K+Neervoort s MWB Game - Icons !!!
destiny.jpg          pix/trace  238K+JPEG done with Tornado3D V2.1b
EarthDay2K.lha       pix/views  1.1M+My Tribute to Earth Day 2000
picsize.lha          util/dtype  15K+Shows picture dimensions using datatypes
FreeWheel.lha        util/mouse  63K+Tool for WheelMice + trackballs/3-button
info.lha             util/sys    27K+AmigaDOS info command replacement (39.18
CreateOutline.lha    util/wb      4K+No more OutlineFont-like patches (1.2)
DefIcons44.lha       util/wb     34K+DefIcons clone for os3.5 (44.5a)
rndwbpix.lha         util/wb     10K+Random wbpattern picture selector (39.5)
TextloaderNG.lha     util/wb    463K+TextConverter V2.12 - Word,WPerfect,HTML

Aminet new files page / Urban Mueller